Saturday, November 23, 2019

Twelve Days of Christmas

Let me tell you, these will be the crown jewel of my collection.  I was on Pinterest one day when I saw a picture of the drummer ornament and I LOST .. MY .. MIND!  I followed the link to Etsy where I found mmmcrafts, the designer who created the patterns.  This was in 2017 and at that time, the completed set wasn't even for sale yet, so I bought what was and got to work.  As she finished new patterns, I kept buying them and kept stitching.  It's easy now because you can buy the complete pattern set in one bundle.  

I cannot say enough positive things about these patterns.  I don't know when I've ever worked with a pattern that had clearer, more thorough instructions.  It was like putting together a puzzle.  If you're on Pinterest and start searching for things like "maids a milking ornament," you'll find TONS of pictures because all the avid ornament stitchers out there are making them.  That will show you lots of different color options.  Some people chose one palette and did their whole set that way.  There are even felt shops on Etsy selling coordinated sets of felt specifically designed for making these patterns.  Mariah quickly claimed this set as hers when I die, so she helped design each ornament and since her favorite color is blue, we made sure each ornament had some shade of blue in it.

I won't hold you up any longer.  Here are my pics:

A Partridge in a Pear Tree (There's an additional fancy pear pattern.)  

2 Turtle Doves 

3 French Hens

4 Calling Birds

5 Golden Rings

6 Geese A-Laying (There's an additional fancy egg pattern.)

7 Swans A-Swimming

8 Maids A-Milking

9 Ladies Dancing -- more about her in a minute

10 Lords A-Leaping -- seems to be everyone's favorite
(There's an additional fancy heart pattern.)  

11 Pipers Piping -- his hat is my single favorite thing in the entire collection

12 Drummers Drumming -- the one who got my attention

Stitching this collection was just pure joy.  And the icing on the cake came when I entered the 9 Ladies Dancing ornament in our county fair and it took Best In Show:

I honestly felt a little sad as I was completing the last one and right about that time, the designer announced she was starting a new series based on 'Twas the Night Before Christmas.  She launched the first ornament and I nearly wept: 

Tell the truth:  Have you ever seen a more gorgeous Santa???  I can hardly wait until January to start him!  

Please DO NOT let the embroidery or complexity of these patterns scare you.  Her directions are so good that I feel any of you can make these!!

DISCLAIMER:  You know the drill.  Despite my excessive gushing about these patterns, I have received nothing in exchange for this post.  I'm just a huge fan of great patterns and I want all of you to run out and make them so your Christmas tree will be pretty!!  

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