Saturday, November 23, 2019

Hager Show Goat

In my previous life, I was the "VBS lady."  I ran our church's bible school for 10 years and had an entire generation of kids in our small town.  I met Macin when he was three.  This is the very first time I met him and he was super ticked that his mom left him at church.

Over the years, he grew to like me -- LOL.  He was always one of my favorites.  He's a year behind my daughter in school.  When we adopted Mariah in the 7th grade, I was at the school for the first time picking her up in the afternoon and I saw Macin's mom.  She asked me why I was there and I told her and she was so excited for us.  The next day, Macin walked up to Mariah and said, "Are you getting adopting by Mrs. Loveday?"  Mariah said she was and he said, "Well . . . you're lucky, because she's AMAZING!"

I'm sure he probably doesn't remember saying that, but I do.  On my worst parenting days when I thought I couldn't possibly get any lower, I'd hear Macin's voice say that in my head and remind myself that SOMEONE thought I was amazing.  And I think he's pretty amazing, too.  He's just one of those human beings who radiates joy.  It's impossible to be in this guy's presence and not smile.  Here we are at a Christmas wedding last year where I was singing and he was asked to dress as Santa:

We live in a small, rural community where lots of the kids are involved in 4H.  Macin raises and shows goats and and plans to be an auctioneer when he graduates in the spring.  Here he is doing what he is most passionate about:

He unveiled a logo for his goat business on Facebook and something made me immediately think I could work that into an ornament.  I didn't love the Carolyn DeAngelis goat pattern, so I did a little Googling and had Macin's mom send me a picture of his current show goat so I could get the color and markings correct.  I largely do ornaments for me, my kids, and close family friends, but every now and then I make one randomly for someone special.  This is the one I made for Macin this year and I hope he likes it.  

And in case you need to make a goat, here's the pattern:  


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