Saturday, November 23, 2019

Village People

My kids LOVE the felt ornaments and with each passing year, they grow increasingly competitive and concerned about who will get what when I die.  I make specific ones just for them that they can take for their own trees, but the unspecified ones go on MY tree.  Lately, Caleb thinks if he comes up with an idea, that means the ornaments are his.  WRONG!  Those circus ornaments and me are in a "'til death do us part" relationship.

We were in a deep ornament discussion one day when Caleb said, "I like when you make sets.  It makes me feel like they're collectible."  (Did I mention my kids are weird?)  Then he said, "You should make the YMCA guys."  Or, The Village People, as us old folks like to call them.  I thought, "You know what?  I SHOULD!"  Challenge accepted.  I mean, let's face it  -- Carolyn DeAngelis already did part of the work with the cowboy and the sailor.  How hard could this be?  And I knew I wanted to use beads and sequins because, hello -- who's more flamboyant than The Village People?  I did Google an image for inspiration and when I found this, they practically made themselves:

I have the first three done and he'll get the remaining three next year.  I'm not gonna lie . . . it's gonna be hard for me to hand these over on Thanksgiving because they make me smile every time I look at them.  They're just hilarious.  I reworked the pattern for the cowboy and the sailor, so I'll include all three patterns with this post.  I'll warn you . . . as soon as you scroll down, you're gonna have "YMCA" stuck in your head for the rest of the day.  Sorry in advance.  

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