Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Grumpy Cat

My oldest nephew is a big fan of Grumpy Cat.  For those of you unfamiliar with him, Grumpy Cat is a real pet with a perpetual frown who frequently appears in online memes:

Alex is a fan of cats in general, but Grumpy Cat really appeals to him and he's pretty stoked that there's going to be a full-length feature filmed with him.  I decided that this needed to be the subject of Alex's 2013 ornament.

You've heard me say before that I CANNOT draw.  I really can't!  I had a picture of a felt cat ornament that I snagged somewhere online.  (I have no idea where.)  I'm not super fond of any of the Carolyn DeAngelis cat patterns and since this one was pretty basic, I saved it for future inspiration.  Since it's pretty generic and since I changed the colors and, of course, the face, I hope I won't get my butt sued off if the original owner of the photo happens to see this.  (And if you are the original owner of the original cat ornament photo and you're thinking about suing me, please know that I do NOT -- under any circumstances -- ever sell my ornaments or profit off them in any way.)

At any rate, I came up with a pattern and tracked down some cat whiskers from my local craft store.  They really make him look fabulous.  So . . . . here he is . . . Grumpy Cat immortalized in felt!

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