Sunday, September 12, 2010

Hobo Hurry-Up

My nephews were here for a week in August and I decided to let them each pick an ornament pattern for me to make them this year. They're 10 and 12 and all boy and I had visions of the astronaut and the viking. As we were wading through the animal designs, Zach (10) became enthralled with Hobo Hurry-Up . . . or "Hobo Turtle" as he called him. From then on, no matter what Zach saw, it was all about Hobo Turtle.

"Look at this lumberjack!"
"What do you think of this astronaut?"
"Don't you think this antique car is cool?

Hobo Turtle it is.

I have to say, though, that Hobo Turtle turned out to be really cute in person. Thanks, in no small part, to Zach's design choices. Hobo Turtle was to have not one, but two, blue patches on his hat -- different shades, of course. His red pack with white polka dots had to be carried on a golden stick. A golden stick! Scott is perplexed by this. His thought is that if Hobo Turtle can afford a golden stick, then he has the financial means to choose a non-hobo lifestyle. LOL!

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