Sunday, May 17, 2015


Time for Allyson's mouse!  Between Allyson and my mom, I feel like I've already made a lot of the mouse patterns.  This is a total exaggeration, though, because, in reality, I've only made half of them.  But some of them just don't appeal to me at all.  Mouse sleeping under a mushroom -- no.  Mouse with a mushroom house -- no.  Pretty much anything involving a mushroom is on my "do not stitch" list.  I decided to do the Winzit pattern, but that stocking is just completely uninspired.  BORING!

I had some ornaments saved on Pinterest and one was a cute elf stocking.  I went looking for directions and a pattern for it and step one went something like this:  "Draw a stocking shape that you like."  No can do!  I Googled "elf stocking" and found something I liked.  I got it to a similar size as the one of the pattern and used it instead.  It's still a pretty basic design, though, and not too exciting.  Then I remembered the cool polka dot felt Ouida sent me and it was perfect for this project!  Very simple, very quick, and very cute!

Now that I think about it . . . I don't know why a mouse is sleeping next to an elf stocking.  Do you???

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