Thursday, April 22, 2010

Clif's Tree

Clif sent me this picture of his unbelievable Christmas tree that is covered with ornaments he made from Carolyn DeAngelis patterns. WOW!!! I can't stop looking at it!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Yule Mouse

Didn't this little guy turn out cute? I made the Claudette mouse a couple of years ago (before I started taking pictures) for my mother. I made this little guy to go with her. I added a 2nd arm and stitched the bell. Business as usual other than that!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Holy Mackerel

This is, hands down, one of my favorites that I've done so far. I don't even have a personal reason why I made this guy. I just thought he looked cute on the pattern . . . . and he is! I gave him 2 arms and did a felt-stitched fishing pole instead of just using a pipe cleaner. I did two fish instead of one and they're both stitched and stuffed. They're dangling a little strangely in this picture, so it's hard to see them.

A Pair of Pete Puritans

Thanksgiving is a HUGE deal in our family . . . . and so are Christmas ornaments. Because of those two factors, I've decided to do the Thanksgiving patterns for my nephews over the next five years. We'll start this year with Pete Puritan, done with corresponding hair and eye colors, of course. That's actually Zach Puritan on the left and Alex Puritan on the right. I forced myself do work on them at the same time and I'm glad I did. This one was a little time-consuming and I get bored easily. It would've been hard to make myself do a 2nd one down the pike.

I didn't do anything really special or different. The shoe buckles are separate and glued on. Next year, Pete will get his wife . . . . Polly? Priscilla? I can't remember. Then we'll move on to the Indian man and woman and round out the series with the turkey -- which will NOT be wearing the Santa hat shown in the pattern!

Friday, April 2, 2010

New pictures from Clif

I love, love, LOVE getting a Clif email with new ornament pictures. Sometimes, a design that never appealed to me on paper becomes a "must do" when I see someone else's made up. These are some Clif made at Christmas for him and his sisters. Here's Woody:

I love the color combination Clif chose. He's really cute! Here's Woodland Lass. I'm not even sure I have this pattern . . . I'll have to check. Look at the weaving he did on the basket!

I thought Mogul Mike looked cute just from the pattern, but he far exceeds my expecations in 3D form. Boy . . . . I can tell he's a real pain in the patootey, though!

Here's Clif's version of Kane. I love the blue and red combo.

I'm not typically a clown person, but this version of Hiccups is SO cute and colorful that it's going on my short list.

Here's Friday Panda with fresh catch for lunch:

I don't know if you can see it or not here in this picture of Doczee . . . . but Clif's stitches are just perfect!

And, last but not least, here's Dawdling Duck. This makes me want to do a bunch of the bunny and chick patterns for an Easter tree!